Born in central France in a family of wood workers and a musician herself, Lorraine was drawn to violin making from an early age. On deciding to become a violin maker, she came to England in 2006 to study at the renowned Newark School of Violin Making.
She very quickly fell in love with the restoration of old instruments and specialised in that field during her last 2 years at college.
After graduation in 2010, Lorraine spent 9 years working for major restoration workshops in London and elsewhere in the UK where she perfected her skills and knowledge of violins, violas and cellos. She then set up her own workshop in Acton London, working with customers from all around the world, on the best instruments, such as those by Barack Norman, to Nicolo Amati, Antonio Stradivari, and Giuseppe Guarneri del Gesù…
Although she specialises in large scale restoration, she also undertakes smaller repairs and maintenance work. Over the years, Lorraine has developed a reputation for tonal adjustment.